Before you attempt to bake weed brownies and other edibles for the first time, it’s crucial to understand the many options you have when it comes to cooking and baking with cannabis. Of course, you can purchase your own flower (here at The Foggy Forest) and make an awesome cannabutter at home, but if you’re worried about the weed smell, you may want to explore a different, more discrete, option. 

If you share a kitchen with your parents and would prefer to not have them ask questions, there are advantages to baking with distillate. Read on to learn more about some techniques for baking with the pure cannabis concentrate known as THC distillate. 


Before you can throw on that apron and bake a batch of brownies, it’s crucial to understand what cannabis THC distillate is and how it should be handled when cooking. 

THC distillate is a molecularly pure concentrate created through the process of distillation. This process isolates cannabinoids into their molecular form, like THC or CBD, into a highly concentrated (near pure) substance that can be used for a variety of purposes. 

Baking With Pot


In addition to high levels of cannabinoids, one of the reasons cannabis lovers are using distillate in their baking more frequently is due to the concentrate’s versatility. Unlike cannabutter, which can often have remnants of plant matter, cannabis distillate is purely composed of cannabinoids, meaning you have a lot more control over the dose you add to cookie batter or drip on a batch as it cools.

One of the main reasons cannabis has such a distinct smell and even taste is thanks to the presence of organic compounds called terpenes, aka terps. When the cannabis flower is broken down and distilled for the purpose of isolating THC, non-essential compounds like other cannabinoids and terpenes are removed. Because of this – the skunky weed, plant-like smell and taste that is often associated with cannabis are no longer there.

Because distillate has no detectable taste or smell, it makes it very versatile and works with almost anything. You can bake it into a batch of cookies, add it to your favourite cooking oil, or even add it to an alcoholic beverage. You’ll be able to achieve the therapeutic effects of THC without the weedy taste.

Baking with distillate allows it to go a long way. Unlike cannabutter, you only need to use a relatively small amount of distillate in your batter mix and get the same effect as a recommended serving of cannabutter. This means cooking and baking with distillate could potentially save you money. 

Baking with distillate


Now, let’s get to chase: how to make distillate infused edibles. It’s actually really easy. Once you purchase your distillate from us, you just add the amount you need to your edible batter and bake at a low, consistent temperature. Here are some basic steps to start making your own distillate infused edibles below. I do recommend find a specific recipe: 

  1. Soften the distillate by placing the container in warm water
  2. Once the distillate softens up, measure out the amount you need
  3. Pour the distillate into your oil or melted butter
  4. Stir constantly to ensure it is thoroughly integrated into the mixture
  5. After you’ve added your distillate to your wet ingredients, add the oil to the dry ingredients in a larger bowl
  6. Combine all ingredients and pour the batter with the distillate into the baking tin and place in the oven

Baking edibles with distillate is a great idea for anyone living with roommates or parents or those who just want discretion. We are happy to provide the concentrates you need here at The Foggy Forest.